Overview of Divorce Financial Planning

Wellington Management 280 Congress, Boston, MA, United States

This presentation for the Financial Planning Association will give an overview of divorce financial planning from the Certified Financial Planner's viewpoint.  It will cover key considerations for clients, tools that […]

10 Important Divorce Considerations

Lexington High School 251 Waltham Street, Lexington, MA, United States

As a divorce financial planner, Chris Chen  helps individuals and couples go through the process of divorce, together with their mediators and lawyers. This class represents some of what they […]

$20 – $25

Retirement Investment Strategies

Lexington High School, Room 222 Lexington, MA, United States

You’ve worked hard for years. But is you money growing at the right rate?: Have you saved enough to take into account the effects of inflation on your lifestyle, our […]

$20 – $25

Mediation and Financial Planning

Chris will participate in a panel of mediators and financial planners to discuss how mediators and financial planners can work together for the best interest of clients. The panel will be […]

Challenges with Valuing Defined Benefit Pensions in Divorce

Crowne Plaza, Chicago IL 733 West Madison, Chicago, IL, United States

Although becoming less numerous, divorce practitioners continue to have a number of clients where one or both parties have defined benefit pensions.  Like social security, pensions provide a stream of […]

Money Management and Investment: Retirement

Lexington Community Center, Room 232 39 Marrett Road, Lexington, MA, United States

Wealth strategist Jim Wood from Insight Financial Strategists LLC will present money management considerations for your pre-retirement “accumulation period” and your post retirement “distribution period.” Call 781-698-4840 to register.

Retirement Investment Strategies – Book Club presentation

You’ve worked hard for years. But is your money growing at the right rate? Have you saved enough to take into account the effects of inflation on your lifestyle, our increased longevity, the uncertainties of the economy and financial markets, and taxes? Jim Wood addresses these questions and more.

Money Management and Investment: Retirement

Bedford Senior Center (Council on Aging) 12 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA, United States

Wealth strategist Jim Wood from Insight Financial Strategists LLC will present money management considerations for your pre-retirement “accumulation period” and your post retirement “distribution period.” Call (781) 275-6825 to register.

Divorce Matters Workshop: Next Step: Untying the Legal, Emotional and Financial Knot

Wellesley Community Center 219 Washington Street, Wellesley, MA, United States

This half-day workshop on taking the next step toward untying the knot will cover the legal, financial, family and personal issues that are often encountered during the divorce process. Trained professionals will provide you with knowledge and information you need to know to empower you through the divorce process with confidence and peace of mind. […]
